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Donate to Museum

Each donation helps to ensure the Museum's activities, allowing it to function and provide information for people from all over the world.

The Museum is grateful to each donor and invites everyone to contribute.


Thank You!


Today, on International Thank-You Day, we would like to say a real and resounding THANK YOU to everyone whom we thank to ourselves in our hearts every day as we do the Museum's work and plan for the future.

Thank you is a wonderful phrase that has the positive power to create change and success. Hence our THANK YOU today to us all individually and together!

Thank you to every donor in cash and kind! Thank you to everyone who has donated their time and objects to the Museum!

Thank you to our Museum representatives everywhere! Thank you to OMFA (Occupation Museum Foundation Support Group) and its chair Irēne Lazda, to our representation in Canada and personally to Linda Lazda and Natālija Kānberga, our representatives in the UK and Australia!

Thank you to all our cooperating partners and associations with whom we have maintained especially close ties - LOIB, the Lestene Association, the 4th of May Declaration Club, and the National Soldiers' Association!

Thank you for the reliable support from the Latvian state and public administration, for the collaboration with colleagues from the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs! 

Thank you to the foreign embassies in Latvia for your presence and interest! 

Thank you to every volunteer who donates their time to the Museum's events and activities!

THANK YOU for being there, for continuing to promote the fair and the true! 



If You want to support the memory of members of the Latvian national resistance movement, by donating for the monument “Defying Foreign Power”, You can do it here:

If You want to make a donation to the Museum, please click on this link:

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