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Tour map “Resistance to the Communistic Occupation Regime and the Renewal of Independence”


On 21 August 2023, the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia launched a thematic excursion about “Resistance to the Communistic Occupation Regime and the Renewal of Independence”. A free map of the tour is now available in the Museum and Tourist Information Centers.

With this event, the Museum celebrates the 32nd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitutional Law "On the Statehood of the Republic of Latvia" and commemorates the upcoming 84th anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

The map has been created as a part of the Ministry of Culture project "Promotion of evidence-based information about events of Latvian history". The one-day walking route includes 21 historical objects/memorials in Riga Old Town and the Boulevard Circle. The whole route could be walked in about 2 hours.

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