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The Museum of Occupation has lost a loyal friend and supporter.


Dr. Zigfrīds Zadvinskis was one of the small group that met in Garezers in 1996 to form a support organization for the recently founded Museum. When we met in January of this year, Dr. Zadvinskis, remembered with a smile that Paulis had “bestowed” on him the responsibility of promoting support for the Museum in his home community of Grand Rapids, Michigan. As was characteristic of Dr. Zadvinskis, he enthusiastically accepted and carried out this responsibility in an exemplary manner until the last year of his life. On his initiative, every single Latvian organization in Grand Rapids was involved and took turns in organizing the June 14 remembrance of the Soviet mass deportations to Siberia. Dr. Zadvinskis was an energetic and motivating presence at every event and ensured that each year for more than 22 years a generous donation was send to support the work of the Museum.

Thank you, Dr. Zadvinskis, for your inspiring energy, sense of humor and optimism. May you rest in peace!

Irēne and Paulis Lazda

The Occupation Museum Fund Support Group (OMFA)

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