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Commemoration Day of the Victims of the Communist Genocide


On 14 June we remember the mass deportation of people from Latvia in 1941.

On this day, at 12:00, a wreath-laying ceremony and laying of flowers will take place on Latvian Riflemen’s Square (Latviešu strēlnieku laukums) in Riga at "History Tactile", the memorial wall to the victims of the Soviet occupation. The ceremony will be addressed by leading state officials and Pēteris Simsons, Vice-President of the Latvian Association of Politically Repressed Persons.

We invite you to join us in paying tribute to the victims who were forcibly torn away from our land.

On the night of June 13-14, 1941, people from Latvia were deported in railway cattle cars to forced labour camps, penal camps and prisons in the Soviet Union. The deported people were subjected to hard labour and life in inhuman conditions. In total, more than 15 000 men, women and children were deported without trial.

On this date in 1987, when the country was still under Soviet occupation, the people publicly gathered at the Freedom Monument in Riga for the first time in order to commemorate this first wave of criminal deportations.

Please note that on June 14, entry to the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia (1 Latviešu strēlnieku laukums, Riga) is FREE for everyone.

Museum hours: 10:00-18:00.

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