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A new book - "Through The Eyes Of A Child"


Benita Eglīte (née Plezere), Anda Līce

The book "Through The Eyes Of A Child" is based on the the testimonies, memories and reflections of two people who lived through the 1949 deportations: Benita Eglīte (née Plezere) and Anda Līce.

Little Benita’s drawings with explanations depicting life in exile from 1949 to 1956 from a child's point of view are supplemented by excerpts from an interview she gave to the museum in 2016.

Anda Līce composed her reflections in 2020, inspired by Benita's drawings and text, interweaving them with her own experiences.

The book is now also available in English, translated by Juris Mežinskis and Valters Nollendorfs on a voluntary basis. The English-language edition is supplemented with photos from the museum's collection.

Edited by Inguna Role and Gundega Michele, layout design by Rolands Vēgners.

The book premiered in its original Latvian on March 25, 2021.

Get the book by contacting us: omf@latnet.lv
Price: 10EUR

A glimpse into the book "Through The Eyes Of A Child"

Photo: Letters sent by the Plezers family from their place of internment in the village of illage of Odesskoye in the Odessky district of the Omsk region to Kārlis Plezers’ sister Olga Plezere in Madona, Latvia. 1953-1956.

Photo: Railway tickets for the basic railroad wagon from Kuibyshevka Vostochnaya to Moscow. With these tickets Marta and Anda Līce returned to Latvia from exile in October 1956.

A brooch with a rendering of an oak leaf and an acorn. Alma Plezere took the brooch with her on the day she was deported, 25 March 1949, and it was worn by Alma and her daughters Benita and Anna in the village of Odesskoye in the Odessky district of the Omsk region.

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