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Travel to the Museum with the School Support Program!


"For me, the Latvian flag means that we are free. Seeing the flag, I feel free, I feel happy. The flag is a part of me, and I am a part of it" – student Kate answers the question "What does the Latvian flag mean to you and your family?" during the lesson "The Story of the Flag". She and her classmates came to the Museum as a part of the SAP i.e. School Support Program.

The Museum has had the School Support Program for many years, and it has been active thanks to our donors. We are grateful that there are people who donate funds for this purpose, that helps students from every school in Latvia to come to Riga, to the Museum, and participate in various educational activities.

Our sincere thanks go to this year's SAP donors – the Daugavas Vanagu (Latvian Welfare Association) Sydney Chapter and Ināra Sīkā, who encouraged compatriots and organizations to donate and sent a donation of 2000 euros (AUD 3100) to the Museum in April. In mid-May, a family from Washington, D.C., who has previously donated to the Museum and the new exhibition, visited the Museum. Now, wanting to maintain anonymity, they donated 1000 USD to SAP.

In the 2023/2024 school year, more than 700 students from 21 schools had the opportunity to use SAP funds to come to the Museum. More than 7000 kilometers were travelled, with an average of 8 euros per pupil.

The Education Department offers several activities at the Museum Exposition, and students can participate by using the funds of the School Support Program for partial reimbursement of travel cost to Riga.

We invite you to help Latvian students to visit the Museum by donating to the School Support Program: https://okupacijasmuzejs.lv/lv/ziedot-muzejam#donate

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