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Second World War

Different Nations - Shared Experiences - PROJECT MATERIALS

The materials explore three of the population movement events, in the Baltic Seas Region, during the 20th century: the exodus of Baltic Germans, the escape of refugees during the Second World War, and the mass deportations of the Soviet period.

Case Study 1To Go or Not to Go – Baltic German Resettlement 1939-1940 
For all time. Emigration of the Baltic-Germans


Case Study 2Looking for a Refuge – Balts in Sweden
Deportations. Two nights, one crime

Case Study 3 Against one’s will – Soviet Deportations 
Across the sea. Flight to Sweden.

The project Different Nations – Shared Experiences was led by the Unitas Foundation (lead partner), in cooperation with the Museum of the Occupation of Latvia (project partner) and the Estonian, Latvia, Swedish and Finnish history and civic education teachers’ associations (affiliated partners). The project was primarily financed by the Central-Baltic Interreg IV A Program 2007-2013.