Valters Nollendorfs, Chairman of the Board of the Occupation Museum Association of Latvia, participated in the conference "100 Years of Communism: History and Memory" organised by the Platform of European Memory and Conscience in Paris on 8 and 9 November 2017. Nollendorfs gave an illustrated presentation at about the future permanent exposition to be installed in the Museum's Building for the Future, which finally seems headed toward realisation in the year 2019.
The host of the conference was the French historian Stéphane Courtois, editor of the Black Book of Communism. Courtois gave several key lectures about Lenin and the coup in October 2017, organized by Bolshevik professional revolutionaries, which only later was stylised as the Great October Socialist Revolution led by Lenin.
A conference highlight was the presentation of the annual Prise of the Platform of European Memory and Conscience to Ilmi Umerov, deputy head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People in Crimea, political prisoner in the USSR and in Russian-occupied Crimea. Umerov was only recently released from imprisonment and now lives in Kiev.